Save Money with Time-of-Use Rate

What is the Time-of-Use (TOU) Rate?

All residential customers are automatically enrolled in RMLD's standard Residential Schedule A Rate. Under this rate, customers are billed based on their kilowatt-hour usage. The rate is consistent regardless of the time of day the electricity is used.

Residential customers have the option to switch to the Time-of-Use (TOU) rate. Rather than one standard rate for all hours, time-of-use has two rates: one that is higher than the standard rate during on-peak hours when electricity is in high demand, and one that is lower than the standard rate during off-peak hours when electricity is not as in demand. Because a different type of meter is required for the time-of-use rate, the customer charge is slightly higher and customers are asked to stay on the rate for a minimum of one year. 

On-peak hours are Monday through Friday from 12:00 to 7:00 pm, excluding holidays. Off-peak hours include weekends, holidays, and all other hours not considered on-peak.

How Do I Know if TOU is Right for Me? 

The TOU rate may help customers save money on their electric bill if the majority of their usage typically occurs during off-peak hours. An example included below. 

Here is an example of a customer who use 23% of their electric usage during peak times. This customer could save $11.53 per month by switching to the RMLD Time-of-Use rate: 



How do I shift my electricity usage to off-peak hours? 

There are several ways to shift more of your usage to off-peak hours in order to get the most benefit out of the TOU Rate:

  • Use appliances such as diswashers, washers, dryers, etc. either before or after on-peak hours. Some appliances can be programmed to run at a certain time, and smart appliances can be controlled remotely from your smartphone. 
  • Use a wireless (smart) thermostat to control your home's heating and cooling from anywhere. Pre-heat and pre-cool the home before on-peak hours, then turn the heat or AC down during on-peak hours. 
  • If you own a plug-in electric vehicle, schedule charging to take place during off-peak hours (this can be done through the vehicle or the charging station). 
  • If you own a pool, use a timer to run the pool pump during off-peak hours. 
  • Practice conservation: turn off unnecessary lights and electronics, especially during on-peak hours.

Click here for more Energy Saving Tips

How do I sign up for Time-of-Use?

To learn more and sign-up, please contact our Customer Service Department at 781-942-6598.

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