RMLD Launches Renewable Choice Program for Residential Customers to Support More Renewable Energy

Customers have an opportunity to contribute an additional dollar amount to their monthly electric bill towards renewable energy.
renewable choice

Reading, MA, January 21, 2022 – The Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of its Renewable Choice opt-in Program which will allow customers to support additional renewable energy resources above and beyond RMLD’s annual non-carbon energy targets. Funds from the Renewable Choice Program will be used to retire additional NEPOOL GIS compliant renewable certificates, specifically Mass Class 1 certificates.

Renewable Choice launches February 1, 2022 for residential customers. The program will be available to Commercial and Industrial customers this spring.

Customers can choose to contribute at one of three levels to bring their monthly electricity usage to 50%, 75%, or 100% renewable/non-carbon. The Renewable Choice charge will be based on the participating customer’s monthly kilowatt hour (kWh) usage and will be added as a line item on the customer’s monthly electric bill.

As an example, an average residential customer uses approximately 800 kWh/month. The additional cost estimate is about $8.00 per month to participate in Renewable Choice at the 50% level, about $16.00 per month at the 75% level, and about $24.00 per month at the 100% level.

A one-year commitment is required, and customers must be current with their bill (in good standing) to sign up.

To learn more and sign up, please visit https://www.rmld.com/home/pages/renewable-choice. The page also features a calculator which allows customers to input their monthly kWh usage to see how much their monthly Renewable Choice Charge would be for all three available participation percentage levels.


Established in 1894, Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) is a municipal electric utility serving over 70,000 residents in the towns of Reading, North Reading, Wilmington, and Lynnfield Center. RMLD has over 30,000 meter connections within its service territory.